Atelier Bonryu(E)
about me

Atelier Bonryu(E)
about me
•1940 Born at Urawa, Saitama, Japan (presently Urawa, Saitama, Saitama, Japan).
•1947 - 1953 Primary school attached to Saitama University.
•1953 Started taking photographs
•1953 - 1956 Junior high school attached to Saitama University.
•1956 - 1959 Hibiya metropolitan high school.
•1959 - 1963 The University of Tokyo (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science) High speed photography, X-ray photography
•1963 B. Sc.
•1963 - 1968 Graduate school of the University of Tokyo. Plasma physics, Accelerator physics
•1965 M. Sc.
•1968 D. Sc.
•1969 - 1994 Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (Head, Plasma Theory Laboratory, Nuclear Fusion Research). Plasma physics, Nuclear fusion research, Computational physics
•1984 Started engraving stone seals
•1994 - 2006 The University of Electro-Communications (Professor, Department of Computer Sciences). Computational physics, Neural network, Image processing
•2002 Started taking photographs by lensless cameras
•2006 Professor Emeritus, The University of Electro-Communications. Started taking photographs by infrared and ultraviolet lights
About Me